σ-bond activation and catalysis promoted by bimetallic main group-transition complexes:
We aim to understand how further electronic fine-tuning of a transition metal center with a group 13 acceptor modulate the activation of small molecules such as H2, N2, and CO2 that are relevant in energy solving problems. Our bimetallic catalysts also activate unreactive bonds (C-H, C-N, C-O, Si-H) in organic molecules for energy-related problems and difficult organic transformations.
Bimetallic main group-transition complexes for C-C bond formation:
A current interest of our laboratory is to understand the effect of a group 13 metalloligand in the framework of transition metal complex to enhance the polymerization of substituted acetylenes. The σ-conjugated polymers are of interest in electronics and optoelectronics. Another reaction of interest in our group is metal-mediated Cross-Coupling which relies on main group-transition metal complexes. We seek to understand the mechanistic aspects of this reaction to implement more efficient methodologies with inexpensive metallic precursors.
Confinement effects on chemical transformations:
We are developing new synthetic methodologies to achieve metalla or boracalix[n]arenes with frameworks that incorporate heteroaromatics and group 13 moieties. Further functionalization of these species with transition metal moieties near the cavity is being targeted to effect organic transformations on the transition metal with unique steric and electronic effects imposed by the metal or boracalix[n]arene.